- 8:30 AM - Opening remarks
- 8:40 AM - Invited Speaker - Michael Cohen - Gigapixel Camera
- 9:10 AM - Invited Speaker - Marc Levoy - Extreme Imaging Using Cell Phones
- 9:40 AM - A Century of Portraits: A Visual Historical Record of American High School Yearbooks - Shiry Ginosar, Kate Rakelly, Sarah Sachs, Alexei Efros
- 10:00 AM - Coffee Break
- 10:30 AM - Invited Speaker - Bernhard Schölkopf - Exo-Planet Imaging via Causal Error Modeling
- 11:00 AM - Invited Speaker - Katie Bouman - Imaging with The Event Horizon Telescope
- 11:30 AM - Globe Imaging of 3D Motion: Microphysics to centuries of change - Daniel Rosenfeld, Aviad Levis, Itai Bibi, Yoav Schechner, Amir Rosenfeld, David Fischer, Jeffrey Woytach
- 11:50 AM - Underwater In Situ Microscopy - Tali Treibitz, Andrew Mullen, Paul Roberts, Jules Jaffe
- 12:10 PM - Lunch Break
- 1:30 PM - Invited Speaker - Steve Seitz - The Holodeck
- 2:00 PM - Invited Speaker - Wolfgang Heidrich - Imaging Transient Effects
- 2:30 PM - Scotopic Visual Recognition - Bo Chen, Pietro Perona
- 2:50 - 4:00 PM - Coffee Break and Posters
- 4:00 PM - Invited Speaker - Ray Jones: Connectome Project
- 4:30 PM - Crowdpainting with Light: Participatory Imaging at the Big Shot - Michael Peres, Andreas Savakis
- 4:50 PM - Open Discussion/Panel
- 5:50 PM - Closing Remarks
- 6:00 PM - Adjourn
- FlatCam: Replacing Lenses with Masks and Computation - M. Salman Asif, Ali Ayremlou, Aswin Sankaranarayanan, Ashok Veeraraghavan, Richard Baraniuk
- Low Power Depth and Velocity from a Passive Moving Sensor - Emma Alexander, Sanjeev Koppal, Todd Zickler
- Estimating a Small Signal in the Presence of Large Noise - Amy Zhao, Frédo Durand, John Guttag
- Exploring the Resolution Limit for In-Air Synthetic-Aperture Audio Imaging - Hisham Bedri, Micha Feigin, Petros Boufounos, Ramesh Raskar
- Occluded Imaging with Time of Flight Sensors - Achuta Kadambi, Hang Zhao, Boxin Shi, Ramesh Raskar
- Molecules clustering at the nano-scale: A graph-based approach - Sebastiano Vascon, Francesca Pennacchietti, Enrica Petrini, Alberto Diaspro, Andrea Barberis, Francesca Cella, Alessio Del Bue
Banner image of Alma Radio Observatory in Chile